Back in the habit

While I spent the fall on maternity leave with my new baby girl and busy toddler, I fell into a nice daily routine.  Meals, activities, playdates, snacks, naps, books and favorite shows were all part of our world.  Evenings spent processing photos and publishing blog posts of our latest news were commonplace.  Slowly, that schedule began to shift.

Now, two full weeks after returning to work, we’re settling in.  Earlier bedtimes (for the kids at least), alarm clocks, lockers and hourly bells now dictate our days.  I’ll admit that there are times when I think back on those days and yearn for the simplicity they held.  Yet, I also find fulfillment and excitement in witnessing the growth of my students.  I’m quickly learning that it’s all about balance and when equilibrium is achieved I’m a better teacher, mother, wife, friend – and the list continues.

In these weeks before the holiday break, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know my students and establish the classroom routines that will carry us throughout the remainder of the year.  I’ve been highly impressed by how receptive the students continue to be considering the change they’ve endured this year. 

In upcoming posts you’ll learn a bit more about the projects we’re currently working on in class.  I strongly encourage you, whether you’re a student, parent, friend or relative, to join in the conversation here!  If you see something you enjoy or find helpful, please let me know!  If you stumble across something you dislike, do the same.  The beauty of this medium is that we can all contribute at our convenience and work together ot create a resource for one another.

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