New Beginnings

I always love the beginning of a new school year.  At this point, I’m in shock that we’re already entering the homestretch of the calendar, the weather here becomes brisk and there’s the familiar bustle – the buzz of routine circulating once more throughout our household.

Today, well technically yesterday since it is now after midnight, was the first teacher work-day of the year.  It’s always fun to reconnect with colleagues and share the exciting stories of summer trips or hear about lazy days spent with families, friends, or good books and cool pools.  New ideas and fresh plans are being tossed around in conversation and the energy is so thick you can almost reach out and scoop it up.

This year, I’m excited to again be teaching on a part-time schedule and while I’m thrilled that Ms. Cook will be doing amazing work with her first grade students this year, I must admit it was tough thinking about not sharing all the ups and downs of sharing our middle school classroom again this year.

As the ideas about writing invitations, student publishing, reading conferences and publication celebrations continue to ricochet around my mind, I need to remind myself that while working into the wee hours of the morning might mean quiet time in a house typically filled with the laughter (and bickering) of two toddlers, it also makes for one tired teacher!

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  1. Farewell 2010-2011 | ELA 101 05/31/2011 at 7:18 am |

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