One Month – Already?


I remember asking students on the third day of school if it was just me, or didn’t it feel like we’d been back in school for longer than a few days.  Many of them agreed and ironically, I think we all meant it in a similar way. Sure we grumble and gripe about the long lost lazy days of summer, but when it comes right down to it, I think we have really taken to each other and have fallen back into such a great routine this school year.

With nearly a month of school behind us now, I’m still excited and encouraged by the work that’s happening among both the students and the staff alike!  Plus, this time of year is full of so many wonderful opportunities to enjoy friends and family, not to mention the fabulous exhibits of creativity and culture.

Today, I also realized that I may need to make a few minor changes to the way things work around this here blog.  I never intended to go this long between my posts and I certainly have ideas and inspirations for possible things to share…it’s just the fact of finding the time to get them written and posted that escapes me!  And if posts have been difficult to do, those status updates have been downright impossible!  While we could implement them during class, I really feel that students have been working well during class and adding this may not be the best choice.  So, it may be that the daily/weekly/far-too-intermittently posted Status Updates by Class will be disappearing.

While we’re on the topic of layout and functionality here, would any of you prefer to have the posts be the first page instead of the welcome?  Just curious…

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