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Day Thirteen

Day Thirteen

A day of many possibilities!

Day Twelve

Day Twelve

I love this kid to the core.  While I appreciate him on the average day, his birthday is the perfect day to reflect on all the joy he adds to our lives. As we celebrated his first dozen years, I am left feeling nostalgic for the days of toddlerhood and eager to watch him continue […]

Day Eleven B

Day Eleven B

Today… I slept soundly, and late. I worked comfortably, and well. I sighed deeply, and thought. I replied thoughtfully, and wondered. I watched, unneeded, and smiled. I celebrated loudly, and wholly. …I lived fully.

Day Eleven

Having been out of a traditional classroom for over a year now, I’m noticing a few things and forgetting a few others.  The first and perhaps most obvious observation centers around this very challenge.  Over the years, I have learned ways to improve the experience, to introduce students to blogging and to, hopefully, provide a […]

Day Four

Day Four

  I found you today in accomplishing tasks both personal and professional. The movement from one space to the next was invigorating and provided the unforseen structure of small pockets of time within which I was able to acutely focus on one-two specific items. The supremely brisk air kept it real and offered enough of […]

Day Two

Day Two

Winter has been a bit of an unwelcome guest this year, so the sporadic visits of the sun are cherished. Today, I basked in the beauty by finding the light in the smallest of ways.

Day One

Today, I wonder… about the learning happening in rooms across the venue, and the transformative power of connected teaching. if my request to postpone an important conversation was received as intended. why it’s so easy to let so much time pass between touching base with friends we love and respect. about the young mother whose […]

SOLSC ~ Day 12 ~ Really?

SOLSC ~ Day 12 ~ Really?

Is it really possible it’s already been a decade? That you’re not still the lispy little guy with knuckle dimples and chubby cheeks? Somehow, you’ve grown. Right before my eyes, and it’s not that I haven’t noticed, I’m just not sure I realized just how much you’ve changed. We celebrate you today. We are forever […]

SOLSC ~ 29/31 ~ almost

Tonight SLEEP almost won.

SOLSC ~ 28/31 ~ Rest

SOLSC ~ 28/31 ~ Rest

She sleeps. Dreaming her impossible dreams and leaving me to watch in wonder at how much she’s changed, and yet cherishing that she still needs her Mama when she doesn’t feel well.

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